• Essay On What Makes The Catcher In The Rye An Important Book

    The Catcher in the Rye, written by J. D. Salinger, is a very important book for both adults and adolescent readers. Although written in 1951, the novel still applies to modern society and covers controversial topics such as teenage alienation and teenage angst. Your teachers will usually assign one or two essays on the subject of why this novel is an important book. You may find it easy to write about specific parts of the book, its composition, its characters, or its symbolism. However, many students struggle with finding arguments to support the claim that this is an important book. We’re here to present a few ideas and provide some guidance on how to write the perfect paper.

    A Few Ideas to Help You Get Started

    The novel is a masterpiece that discusses teenage angst. Most reputable sources agree that The Catcher in the Rye portrays the blindness and confusion of adolescence in a very realistic way. Fear and anger in adolescents are also two realities of life that are accurately depicted in the novel by J. D. Salinger.

    The novel shows how the world is growing up around each and every one of us. It shows how teenagers are exposed to their first relationships and how they interact with society for the first time. It shows the hardships of teenagers and how they cope with them (including anger and frustration).

    The Catcher in the Rye is an incredibly relatable novel. It applies to almost every teenager out there. When you read the book and you are in your teens, it is almost as if you are staring into a mirror at yourself. Some people may not have the courage to admit it, but this is the truth for most. Furthermore, the characters in the novel sound like real persons, not figments of the author’s imagination.

    Composing the Best Essay Possible.

    Now that you have a few ideas of what you can write about, it’s time to tell you how to write it. We know, not all of us are expert writers. Many students are having trouble composing interesting papers on The Catcher in the Rye, while they excel at writing about math or physics. There are people who can help you though; for example, look closer to this site where you can get immediate assistance. Here are a few tips to help you with your composition:

    • Keep your writing focused and use proper academic writing methods. A five-paragraph paper (introduction, conclusion and three body paragraphs) is easy to write.

    • Invest time into doing research. Find reputable sources to base your statements on and take note of interesting facts you uncover during research.

    • Cover each idea thoroughly and provide interesting information to keep your readers hooked.

    • Edit your work and proofread it to ensure you don’t get penalized for minor mistakes. It’s simple and it takes you just a couple of hours at most.


    Your writing must be unbiased and your statements should be supported by credible sources. The Catcher in the Rye is a very important book – all you have to do is explain why in your own words.

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