• All students want to get high scores for their academic assignments. However, not everybody has good writing skills. If you want to become a better writer, you should take some actions to improve your skills. Otherwise, the quality of your writing won’t develop and you’ll get lower and lower scores as the difficulty of your assignments increases. 

    How to Become a Better Writer and Enhance Basic Writing Skills

    Read books.

    This will significantly help you in developing your writing skills. Reading many different books, you’ll learn more about the world and increase your vocabulary. As a result, it’ll be much easier for you to express your thoughts in a clear and interesting way on paper. 

    Use sample papers.

    If you get an assignment to write a type of essay that you haven’t ever seen before, it’s recommended to find several well-written examples of this type of paper. Having read them, you’ll get an idea of how to structure such essays and what writing styles to use composing them. 

    Conduct thorough studies.

    You may be asked to write a paper on a topic that you don’t know anything about. In order to complete such a task successfully, you should conduct deep research on this issue. The more you learn about your topic, the better you’ll be able to present the needed information for the reader. 

    Always make outlines.

    Even if you have to write a short academic paper, outlining it will make the result of your work much better. Before starting the writing process, a writer should divide their to-be paper into three sections (introduction, body, and conclusion) and briefly write down what they plan to include in each of these sections. This way, the structure of their text will be strong and logical. 

    Learn to edit your texts.

    Most students understand editing as just correcting grammar and spelling mistakes made during the writing process. However, this is only a part of editing. More important is to make sure that all the sentences in your text are composed in a clear manner and convey the exact messages that you’ve intended. Often, it takes several drafts to write a paper worthy of the highest score. 

    Practice writing regularly.

    As with any other skill, to develop it, you should practice using it. Every weekend, allocate several hours to writing papers on topics that are interesting to you and you’ll become a much better writer very soon. 

    Visiting Academic Centers

    If you don't know how to improve writing skills on your own, you may go to an academic center and sign up for writing courses. There, professionals in academic writing will teach you and other students how to compose different types of essays and other papers, select good topics, use advanced writing techniques, and so on. 

    If you follow the tips provided above, the quality of your papers should gradually grow and eventually, you’ll earn excellent marks for your writing assignments. However, keep in mind that to maintain the high quality of writing, you should continue practicing it. If you stop, your skills will start going down.  

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  • Writing a research paper on English literature can be a stressful task. With a variety of required details and a wide range of topics to choose from, this assignment can quickly become overwhelming and discouraging. Fortunately, there are ways to help narrow down the field and make finding a topic much more pleasant. Here are some topic suggestions as well as tips to help you write the best paper possible.

    Topic Suggestions

    When selecting a topic, it is crucial to look at it from a personal point of view. This means that you shouldn’t simply select a topic based on its academic merit. It needs to be something that you are personally invested in. This will ensure that you write the highest quality work possible. This is a generalized list, so if you are still having difficulties selecting one after going through our suggestions, you can find tips for writing a research paper here.

    1. What gender roles are portrayed within the literary work?

    2. Discuss the work’s characters and their significance. Are they realistic or symbolic?

    3. Examine the economic and historical context of the piece.

    4. What is the main theme of the work?

    5. Examine the roles of death and tragedy in literature

    6. What was the role of literature in overcoming religious oppression?

    7. Does literature affect culture, or does culture affect literature?

    8. What were Shakespeare’s main contributions to English literature?

    9. What effect did female writers have on both past and present English literature?

    10. Examine the author of the work. Who are they and what is their story? How is this reflected in the literary piece?

    Climbing to the Top

    When writing a research paper, it’s important to be aware of all the details involved. Here are some tips to help you conquer the challenges that you may face throughout the writing process:

    • Use a Variety of Resources

    One of the best things you can do is to branch out within your research. Be sure to use a variety of credible resources to build your paper as well as your credibility. It’s important to show that you are well-rounded within your subject.


    • Know Your Writing Style

    When you want to reach success, knowing the writing style required is a must. There are various formatting details that must be attended to once you know so the sooner you identify these details, the better.


    • Have a Plan

    When tackling this kind of task, it’s vital to have a plan in place. This means writing out a draft outline and identifying what you want to work on and when. Writing down a timeline with goals and milestones will help you to keep track of your progress and stay motivated.


    As you can see, writing a research paper can be a lot of work. However, with a great topic in place, a wide range of resources, the right formatting style, and a strong plan in place; you should have no problem creating a high-quality piece that you will be proud of.  

  • Poverty is a huge problem in our world today. In many ways, there is little that we can actually do to help the problem on our own unless an entire nation or leading group steps forward. Times are tough. People are struggling. While things are hard on many people, it’s even worse for the impoverished. Because poverty is such a widespread issue, it can be a great topic to explore for a high school or college essay. Here are ten topics for you to write about.

    1. Poverty and Culture

    What is poverty like in America? Where are the most impoverished communities located? Describe them to your reader. Talk about daily life and the hardships that people face.

    1. Not-for-Profit Businesses

    In recent years, several not-for-profit businesses have been created with the intention of helping stop poverty. Many of these businesses will employ workers from these countries to make a product and when the product sells, the proceeds go to the countries’ impoverished people. Do these businesses really make any noticeable difference?

    1. Poverty and Family

    What are the statistical differences between families of the impoverished, the middle class and the rich? What do you think these differences are caused by? Is there any historical significance or meaning to this?

    1. Third World Countries

    What is poverty like in third world countries compared to developed countries? What is the difference in the causes of poverty in these countries?

    1. Poverty in the United States

    Is the United States doing enough to stop poverty within its own borders? Does it have the capability of doing more with national debt? Is there a way that it could do more?

    1. Imperialism

    The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the race to imperialize. Developed countries claimed that it was their duty to help and “civilize” undeveloped countries. How did imperialism change the face of poverty in the world? Did it change any nations from impoverished to developed or developing?

    Doing research isn’t easy. If you need help writing your paper, find professional assistance here.

    1. Drugs and Poverty

    How does drug addiction affect poverty? Is someone likelier to be impoverished if they are addicted to drugs? What are the most popular drugs within poor communities?

    1. UBI

    Recently, nations worldwide have been proposing a universal basic income. Is this a good idea? How will a universal basic income effect poverty? What are the implications of a UBI?

    1. Cost of Living

    Every state has a different cost of living and tax rate. How do these affect poverty?

    1. Psychology of Poverty

      Are the impoverished statistically happier or sadder that the wealthy? What else can psychology say about the poor?

    It is important to understand the problems that surround our world today especially ones that we might not always be exposed to. These ten topics might inspire you to think of some of these issues and write an excellent essay for your next grade. 

  • The Catcher in the Rye, written by J. D. Salinger, is a very important book for both adults and adolescent readers. Although written in 1951, the novel still applies to modern society and covers controversial topics such as teenage alienation and teenage angst. Your teachers will usually assign one or two essays on the subject of why this novel is an important book. You may find it easy to write about specific parts of the book, its composition, its characters, or its symbolism. However, many students struggle with finding arguments to support the claim that this is an important book. We’re here to present a few ideas and provide some guidance on how to write the perfect paper.

    A Few Ideas to Help You Get Started

    The novel is a masterpiece that discusses teenage angst. Most reputable sources agree that The Catcher in the Rye portrays the blindness and confusion of adolescence in a very realistic way. Fear and anger in adolescents are also two realities of life that are accurately depicted in the novel by J. D. Salinger.

    The novel shows how the world is growing up around each and every one of us. It shows how teenagers are exposed to their first relationships and how they interact with society for the first time. It shows the hardships of teenagers and how they cope with them (including anger and frustration).

    The Catcher in the Rye is an incredibly relatable novel. It applies to almost every teenager out there. When you read the book and you are in your teens, it is almost as if you are staring into a mirror at yourself. Some people may not have the courage to admit it, but this is the truth for most. Furthermore, the characters in the novel sound like real persons, not figments of the author’s imagination.

    Composing the Best Essay Possible.

    Now that you have a few ideas of what you can write about, it’s time to tell you how to write it. We know, not all of us are expert writers. Many students are having trouble composing interesting papers on The Catcher in the Rye, while they excel at writing about math or physics. There are people who can help you though; for example, look closer to this site where you can get immediate assistance. Here are a few tips to help you with your composition:

    • Keep your writing focused and use proper academic writing methods. A five-paragraph paper (introduction, conclusion and three body paragraphs) is easy to write.

    • Invest time into doing research. Find reputable sources to base your statements on and take note of interesting facts you uncover during research.

    • Cover each idea thoroughly and provide interesting information to keep your readers hooked.

    • Edit your work and proofread it to ensure you don’t get penalized for minor mistakes. It’s simple and it takes you just a couple of hours at most.


    Your writing must be unbiased and your statements should be supported by credible sources. The Catcher in the Rye is a very important book – all you have to do is explain why in your own words.

    your comment
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and need help completing essays? Everyone gets to that point where they are inundated with projects and essays that all need to be completed on the same day. There are a lot of help options out there, so you are not alone. There are a couple of steps to finding good essay help. First you need to decide how serious your need is – do you have a few questions that need answering, or are you seriously behind on several papers. Once you determine how serious your need is, then you can look at your options, and decide on the best course for you to follow.

    After you determine if you just need a little help understanding your essay, or you need serious help completing papers, your next question will be, what is the best way to get the help I need? Depending on when your essay is due, and if you are willing to spend a few dollars, the options can vary greatly. If you are having trouble find cheap essay help, we recommend to try out this agency. Here are few other ideas for getting cheap essay help without too much effort.


    Retired Professors

    A retired professor can be a great resource for help with your studies. Since they are retired, they are often thrilled to be able to help students, and share the knowledge that they acquired for all those years. Since they have been teaching high level subjects for quite some time, they are usually pretty good at explaining ideas and theories, So they are a great resource when you need cheap help with your essay.


    Online Tutors

    An online tutor can also be a great resource as it will save you time and money since you don’t have to leave your home to meet with the tutor. Depending on the tutor, they may be free or ask for a nominal fee. You can usually find reasonable or free online tutoring to help out with difficult essay.

    Fellow Student

    Sometimes it is possible to find a fellow student that is either willing to help you for free or a small fee. If this student is in the same class, it’s a bonus as they will know exactly the work you need help with. If they are not, you will have to provide them with some of the essay information so that they can figure out what you need to know. Some students may also be willing to do the essay for you for a reasonable price. If you go this route, find someone discreet as this is not the type of information you want broadcasted.

    Essay Help Service

    There are lots of essay help services that have professional writers that will provide you with original work that is high quality. This is a service that you need to research beforehand to make sure it is reputable, and will give you a product that will receive a good grade. Keep an eye out for red flags such as the requirement of payment before the product is finished. You should never be expected to prepay for this type of service, and if you are, that is a red flag of a fraudulent essay help service.

    Whether you choose tutoring, a retired professor, or a essay help service, remember that you are not alone in this struggle. Use the resources available to you so you can slow down the onslaught of essay, and feel like you are keeping your head above water.

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